Audits, Recommendations, and Support
4D CONCEPT, an asset for the success of your documentation projects
A document production system contributes to enhancing a company’s performance, whether through publications for your clients or by ensuring in-house knowledge.
Your company is unique
4D CONCEPT designs audits and a continuous improvement journey for you based on recommendations that allow you to adopt the best practices required for any digital transformation.
What do our documentation audits involve?
Our documentation audits consist of observing various aspects of your production and use of information relevant to your company.
Thus, we conduct contextualized, personalized audits that enable us to report to you on:

How is a documentation audit carried out?
A document audit begins with an analysis of the existing situation that addresses several aspects:

All these preparatory parameters help define the representative panelists selected by the auditor
Audits are thus punctuated by interviews to collect and summarize all the above-mentioned points, which can be carried out on site or remotely, depending on the subject.
Regular exchanges with the audit requester are organized, enabling us to redirect certain areas of research or identify new avenues of investigation for analysis.
• An audit report and a summary of findings are delivered to the client as final deliverables. These reports can take various forms depending on the type of audit.
What topics are covered by our recommendations?
Following an audit or in response to a direct request, 4D CONCEPT offers recommendations for document information systems.

Our recommendations are tailored to your company; we integrate your specificities and guide you according to:
Your pace of change acceptance
recommendations that are too heavy can be cumbersome to implement.
Your local context
national, international, as well as the company's culture.
Strategic, political, and organizational aspects
The results of the audit are backed up by support to clarify the analysis carried out.
Normative contexts
ASD/AIA, DITA Oasis, proprietary XML schemas, etc.
Why entrust your project to 4D CONCEPT?
4D CONCEPT is a leading company in document information systems and has achieved success for over 30 years with recognized companies and their most complex projects.
We specialize in document engineering, content producers, users of our document solutions.
We are a software publisher, experts in standards, and every year we help our clients adopt best practices through our training programs, acclaimed by professionals.
4D CONCEPT is the partner you need for all your technical, commercial, and communication documentation projects.
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